MPBC Ministries
What is a Ministry?
A ministry is an activity carried out by Christians to express or spread their faith. Christ set the ultimate example for us. He came--not to receive service, but to give it. (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45 & John 13:1-17)
Here at Mt. Pleasant, we believe that the church should always be giving birth to new ministries to adi in the strenghtening and development of our Christian Expereience. Below are a few ministries and a brief discription of the duties involved. We encourage you to join one today!

Deacon and Deaconess Ministry
The Deacons Ministry supports and aid the pastor. The role of the Deacon is to aid the church's physical needs while the pastor and minister aid to the church's spiritual needs. The Deaconess Ministry meets the needs of the church under the spiritual guidance of the pastor and the Deacons by promoting the spiritual growth of the church.
Trustee Ministry
The Trustee Ministry, under the leadership of the pastor, is charged with the responsibility of being faithful stewards in the execution and management of the business of the church, as well as being faithful Christians in the home and the community.
Ushers' Ministry
The role of the usher is to escort and seat. The word usher means doorkeeper. Ushers can always take pride in being of service to the congregation. Ushers greet worshippers at the door and embracing members and visitors without worldy persuasion.
Missionary Ministry
The Missionary purpose is to go into the world with the mission of sharing their faith and persuading others in joining them in their faith. Often missionary work is accomplished by humility work, such as caring for the sick, teaching, assisting the community.
The Youth Ministry involves the growth and development of our young children and young adults at MPBC. We are always looking for volunteers to aid in assisting wtih our young people. We teach them songs, how to conduct church services, how to raise hymns and other activities.
Currently, there are three choirs at Mt. Pleasant. The music ministry consists of our musicians and the Youth Choir, Sanctuary Choir and the Male Chorus. Our church musicians are Sherita Roundtree and Ray Roundtree III. The choirs are under the direction of Patricia Brown and Tanika Pollard.
Pastors Aid Support
The Pastors Aid Support Ministry supports and aids the pastor in whatever is needed. They serve and provide in other capacities, including assisting the kitchen ministry.
Other Ministries at MPBC
Sunday School Ministry
Hospitality Ministry
Financial Department Ministry
Sound Room Ministry
Technology and Media Ministry
Children's Church Ministry
Educational Ministry
Kitchen Ministry
Beyond the Walls Ministry
Van Ministry