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Our Mission

Mission Statement:


Our goal is to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry. That the body of Christ will be edified (Eph. 4:12). We, as believers in Christ, are charged to be soul winners for the Kingdom. We must study to show ourselves approved unto God because a workman need not to be ashamed. We must be able to rightly divide the word of truth. We, the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Family, express our love with one another that we may grow in grace, knowledge and wisdom. We will continue this relationship and spread our love wherever we go.

Our History:

The Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church was organized in 1870 with thirty-two (32) members under a brush harbor. After being duly organized, the church called its first pastor, Reverend Granderson Drayton, more affectionately known as “Father Drayton”. The church grew stronger and stronger spiritually and members were added during his pastorate. He served the church faithfully as pastor for forty (40) years and was removed by death.

Since 1870, Mt. Pleasant has only had 8 pastors. Rev. Roundtree was installed as the 8th pastor in 1998. The former pastors of Mt. Pleasant are:

  • Rev. Drayton (1870-1910)

  • Rev. J. M. Stephens (1911-1944)

  • Rev. D. W. Hickson (1945-1950)

  • Rev. Simon O'Neal (1951-1957)

  • Rev. Levi Chavous (1958-1960)

  • Rev. W. W. Doby (1960-1981)

  • Rev. H. T. Scruggs (1982-1990; 1991-1996)

  • Rev. R. W. Roundtree, Jr. (1998-Present).

Within the last 20 years, a bi-monthly Bible Study was instated. Originally, Bible Study was held Tuesday after the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 7:00 P.M. We now have a two weekly bible study classes that are held every Tuesday night at 7pm. and every Saturday at 10:00 A.M. preceding Prayer and Praise Service.

Children's Church, A Youth Department, Deaconess Ministry, Sanctuary Choir were added within the last 12 years. Other ministries, including the Beyond the Walls Ministry, Pastors Aide and Technology ministries were organized within the last 7 years.

Reverend Roundtree has been very instrumental in getting the Memorial Annex and the ladies lounge added to the church. We remodeled the inside of the church to increase the size of the choir loft and added in a baptistry.



Mission Statement:


Our goal is to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry. That the body of Christ will be edified (Eph. 4:12). We, as believers in Christ, are charged to be soul winners for the Kingdom. We must study to show ourselves approved unto God because a workman need not to be ashamed. We must be able to rightly divide the word of truth. We, the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Family, express our love with one another that we may grow in grace, knowledge and wisdom. We will continue this relationship and spread our love wherever we go.

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